标签: hash-table
, string
难度: Medium
通过率: 51.33%
原题链接: https://leetcode.com/problems/reconstruct-original-digits-from-english/description/
给定一个字符串 ,其中包含英文表示的无序数字0-9,返回按升序排列的数字。
- 字母 'z' 只出现在 "zero" 中。
- 字母 'w' 只出现在 "two" 中。
- 字母 'u' 只出现在 "four" 中。
- 字母 'x' 只出现在 "six" 中。
- 字母 'g' 只出现在 "eight" 中。
- 字母 'o' 用于 "one", "zero", "two", "four" 后,可以识别 "one"。
- 字母 'h' 用于 "three", "eight", 可以识别 "three"。
- 字母 'f' 用于 "five", "four", 可以识别 "five"。
- 字母 's' 用于 "seven", "six", 可以识别 "seven"。
- 字母 'i' 用于 "nine", "five", "six", "eight", 可以识别 "nine"。
- Python
- C++
- JavaScript
- Java
def originalDigits(s):
from collections import Counter
# Create a counter for all letters in the input string
count = Counter(s)
# Initialize a list to count each digit from 0 to 9
out = [0] * 10
# Identify numbers with unique letters
out[0] = count['z'] # 'z' is unique to "zero"
out[2] = count['w'] # 'w' is unique to "two"
out[4] = count['u'] # 'u' is unique to "four"
out[6] = count['x'] # 'x' is unique to "six"
out[8] = count['g'] # 'g' is unique to "eight"
# Deduce remaining numbers
out[1] = count['o'] - out[0] - out[2] - out[4] # 'o' in "one"
out[3] = count['h'] - out[8] # 'h' in "three"
out[5] = count['f'] - out[4] # 'f' in "five"
out[7] = count['s'] - out[6] # 's' in "seven"
out[9] = count['i'] - out[5] - out[6] - out[8] # 'i' in "nine"
# Construct the output string based on the digit counts
result = []
for i in range(10):
result.append(str(i) * out[i])
return ''.join(result)
class Solution {
string originalDigits(string s) {
vector<int> count(26, 0);
for (char c : s) {
count[c - 'a']++;
vector<int> out(10, 0);
out[0] = count['z' - 'a']; // zero
out[2] = count['w' - 'a']; // two
out[4] = count['u' - 'a']; // four
out[6] = count['x' - 'a']; // six
out[8] = count['g' - 'a']; // eight
// Deduce other numbers
out[1] = count['o' - 'a'] - out[0] - out[2] - out[4];
out[3] = count['h' - 'a'] - out[8];
out[5] = count['f' - 'a'] - out[4];
out[7] = count['s' - 'a'] - out[6];
out[9] = count['i' - 'a'] - out[5] - out[6] - out[8];
string result;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
result += string(out[i], '0' + i);
return result;
function originalDigits(s) {
const count = {};
for (let c of s) {
count[c] = (count[c] || 0) + 1;
const out = new Array(10).fill(0);
out[0] = count['z'] || 0;
out[2] = count['w'] || 0;
out[4] = count['u'] || 0;
out[6] = count['x'] || 0;
out[8] = count['g'] || 0;
out[1] = (count['o'] || 0) - out[0] - out[2] - out[4];
out[3] = (count['h'] || 0) - out[8];
out[5] = (count['f'] || 0) - out[4];
out[7] = (count['s'] || 0) - out[6];
out[9] = (count['i'] || 0) - out[5] - out[6] - out[8];
let result = '';
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
result += ('' + i).repeat(out[i]);
return result;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
class Solution {
public String originalDigits(String s) {
Map<Character, Integer> count = new HashMap<>();
for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
count.put(c, count.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
int[] out = new int[10];
out[0] = count.getOrDefault('z', 0); // zero
out[2] = count.getOrDefault('w', 0); // two
out[4] = count.getOrDefault('u', 0); // four
out[6] = count.getOrDefault('x', 0); // six
out[8] = count.getOrDefault('g', 0); // eight
out[1] = count.getOrDefault('o', 0) - out[0] - out[2] - out[4];
out[3] = count.getOrDefault('h', 0) - out[8];
out[5] = count.getOrDefault('f', 0) - out[4];
out[7] = count.getOrDefault('s', 0) - out[6];
out[9] = count.getOrDefault('i', 0) - out[5] - out[6] - out[8];
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
return result.toString();
时间复杂度为 ,其中 是字符串 的长度,因为我们对字符串进行了一次扫描来进行计数。